Please select your main emphasis
(back, shoulder-neck, arms, legs)
This massage is for relaxation and can alleviate mild pains such as muscle bracing or hardening caused by deposits in the tissue. People who work long hours at a computer or laptop and therefore often have chronic problems in neck and shoulder area are recommended to seek massage regularly (3-4 times a month). The below subscription with cost-saving benefit might be also interesting .
“To find relaxation, people have to stop thinking and start dreaming.”
Duration: 45 min / 60 min
Price: 90 CHF / 120 CHF
Subscription Classical Partial or Full Body Massage
This is a treatment in addition to the classical massage and can be applied on request in case of hardened, sticky tissue (often in the lower back). Special cupping glasses help to produce a vacuum on the skin. Then the layers of muscle are gently moved and the tissue becomes loose.
Duration: 30 min
Price: 50 CHF